Thursday, December 3, 2009

Random stuff + a new goal...

So, there's this website I like to read called Texts From Last Night - if you ever feel like you're life is not that interesting, it's kind of fun to live vicariously through the people who post these texts and seem to live lives consisting only of endless drug and alcohol fueled parties.  Anyway, there was a quote I read today that made me think of my own Y fears:

(641): Just witnessed a fat girl fall off the treadmill, pop a medicine ball, and drink coke from a water bottle all in one workout.

I just thought it was a funny mental image, and it actually made me feel better about the gym thing.  My membership starts on Monday :)  This weekend I'm going to pick up some secondary workout supplies that I can just keep in my locker there all the time and not have to schlep to work and back home. 


I'm always keeping my ears open for music I like for working out & last night I heard a song (on a Criminal Minds rerun) that fits the bill perfectly - it's called "Tres Cool" and is by Jupiter Rising, who I've never heard of before, but I am now a new fan.  The video isn't great, but the song is very catchy.  Especially the chorus.


I haven't done much in the way of small goal setting for a while, and I'm feeling like now is the right time.  I have not done well with several things to keep in line with my ultimate goal, but I'd like to just tackle one at a time.  The first that comes to mind is tracking what I eat, and although focusing on that would no doubt help me, I don't think starting that goal in December (when I have a birthday, xmas, and family coming in the next two weeks) is very realistic.

I've decided my small goal for the month of December is to drink my water everyday.  So, starting today, (12/3), my goal is to drink 64 oz of water everyday through 12/31.  Staying on track on the weekends will be a challenge, but i've got a very nice nalgene bottle that can come with me almost anywhere, and I have no plans of being any place where water is not readily available. 

My reward for accomplishing this goal is a 1 hr massage. 

I will keep you posted on my progress each time I blog - thanks for being there to keep me accountable :)

Today I've drank 32 oz and I just got a refill. :)


I did have a run scheduled today, but, actually, my ankle is still really sore.  I'm not really sure what I did to it, but ice alone has not helped, so I'm going to rest it over the weekend.  My plan is to run on Sunday if it feels better. 
I'd like to re-visit my MTM training schedule:
11/5-11/11 - Week 3 C25K

11/12-11/18 - Week 4
11/19-11/25 - Week 5
11/26-12/2 - Week 6
12/3-12/9 - Week 7
12/10-12/16 - Week 8
12/17-12/23 - Week 9
12/24-12/30 - Week 9
12/31-1/6 - Week 9
1/7-1/13 - Week 9
1/14-1/20 - Week 9
1/21-1/27 - Week 9

So, as you see above, my original plan had me at week 7 in the C25K training starting today.  Still being at week 4 ability, I am a full 3 weeks behind schedule - but, that's ok, it's been a tough month.  I'm adjusting the schedule and doing what I can do. 

Weekend Plans

This weekend, I'm making the annual trip to Duluth with my closest girlfriends.  We have one friend who moved up there a few years ago, and now it feels like kind of a tradition to visit her every winter.  Duluth is a cute town and we always have a great time.  I'm leaving tomorrow after work and coming back Sunday.  My only healthy goal for the weekend is to stick with my water goal, and that will be just fine :)

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