Monday, November 23, 2009

And...we're back!

Hello my loyal followers! I know, it's been ages since I've posted and I sincerely apologize for that.  I had an insanely busy couple of weeks at work and literally didn't have a moment to stop and blog.  I work at a computer all day and so when I get home, blogging is really the last thing I want to do, so I like to do it at work. 

I was all ready to get back into the groove last week, but it was a very sad week for me.  Unfortunately and unexpectedly, I had to put my kitty, Paris, down last Monday.  He was my very sweet friend and companion for 16 years and I miss him terribly.  The house is very empty and it's been an emotional time trying to adjust to life without him.  I would say more, but I'm already starting to cry again.

However, while I'm on the subject of Paris, I feel like mentioning that although the folks at the Animal Emergency Clinic were very kind and patient with me as I sobbed uncontrollably, they had a difficult time understanding that a boy cat could be named Paris.  Let me just say this: Paris is a boy's name.  Just ask Shakespeare or Homer (as in writer of the Iliad and Odyssey, not as in Simpson). 

But, now, just in time for Thanksgiving, things have calmed down enough for me to resume my blogging life.

Thanksgiving Plans

J and I don't have any family within 3 states of us, and since the family we do have is visiting at Christmas, we are on our own for Turkey Day this year.  Actually, I think this is the third year we've done our own thing.  I do kind of miss the traditional Thanksgiving celebration with annoying relatives and baking smells and busy-ness, but it's nice to have our own time too.  We usually have kind of a fancy meal (November is a great time for good king crab) and skip the normal turkey dinner stuff.  We haven't really decided what exactly we're going to do this year...yet.  It's kind of fun to drive around on Thanksgiving day and see if you can find one restaurant or coffee shop that is open.  When I was a kid, I used to have fantasies that everyone else in the world had vanished and I had it all to myself.  Most of the time, in these fantasies, I would go to the grocery store and eat whatever I wanted...imagine that, even as a kid I fantasized about food.  Anyway, if you don't have plans for Thanksgiving or Christmas day and you just drive around, you sort of get the feeling that you are the last person on earth and it is kind of neat. 

We are going to participate in a 5K on Thursday morning around Lake Como with a friend of ours who has agreed to run/walk it with me.  And, although I'm feeling very out of shape, I'm really looking forward to it. 

Mississippi Ten Miler

That reminds me, you need an update on my MTM training.  Well, honestly, there has been no training happening these last two weeks.  It's a good thing I padded my schedule because I really needed some down time.  I do have a run planned tomorrow (W4D1), and then Thursday's 5k also, so I'll update you on how those go. 

Time Flies

Doesn't time go by so quickly?  I look back on this last year and can hardly believe how fast it went.  In the last 12 months, I started a new job (This week is my one year anniversary with this company.  They've put a yellow star with the number "1" in it on my cube.  :), we bought a house and moved into it, thought about trying to get pregnant for a second, then J lost his job, and now Paris-cat died.  And through all of that, in the back of my mind has always been my weight...literally weighing me down.  Sometimes I wonder what I would be like if it wasn't one of my main concerns.  Where would I direct all the energy that I expend worrying and thinking about my weight? 

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