Thursday, November 5, 2009

"Sweet Jesus! It's ON!"

Those are the exact words of my best friend from HS.  She's coming to MN on Memorial Day weekend (that's May 30th, folks) and we are going to run a 10 miler.

"Wait a second", you say. "Is this another one of those things where you commit to doing a race and then don't train until the month before and then walk most of it?"

Now, now, I can see that it may sound like that, but I assure you, I really want to make a change here.  This is my chance to form a new habit - committing to a race...doing my training...and running it as I intend to.

So, from now on, every post will have an update titled "Mississippi Ten Miler" and I will update y'all on my training progress. 

It's ON!

Mississippi Ten Miler

For my first MTM post, since it's the middle of the day and I can't start running this very second, I'll tell you my plan:
1) Order back issue of Runners' World - a few weeks ago on my bus commute, I saw a girl reading a Runners' World issue for new runners.  I have dabbled in running a bit before, but I very much consider myself a "new runner".  It looked like a great issue and I totally wanted it when I saw it, so today I will order a back copy of it as part of my kick-off.
2) Couch To 5K (C25K) - I'm sure you've all heard of C25K.  It's kind of the go-to training schedule for new runners.  It's a 9 week schedule, but I'm going to pad that a bit in case I need to repeat any weeks, so I will allot 12 weeks to get through it.  Also, I'm going to start on week 3 because I feel I'm already at the fitness level of week 2. 

Here's my schedule w/ dates:
11/5-11/11 - Week 3 C25K
11/12-11/18 - Week 4
11/19-11/25 - Week 5
11/26-12/2 - Week 6
12/3-12/9 - Week 7
12/10-12/16 - Week 8
12/17-12/23 - Week 9
12/24-12/30 - Week 9
12/31-1/6 - Week 9
1/7-1/13 - Week 9
1/14-1/20 - Week 9
1/21-1/27 - Week 9

I plan to run on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.  After I've completed week 9, I want to repeat it for a few weeks so I am really comfortable running 3 miles before I start up training for the 10 miler.  I will post a new training plan/schedule after I complete week 9. 

Tonight is a run night & I'll update you tomorrow!

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